Blow Up the Box Chronicles

Crisis Proof Your Life - Volume 1

Crisis Proof Your Life - Volume 1

The following is part of a six-part series designed to give you the tools you need to protect your life and assets while running a business (and hopefully living an epic life.)

There is a difference between crisis prevention and crisis proofing. You cannot prevent many crises, but you can make your life and business crisis-proof. The first step is to get your legal ducks in a row. If you operate a small business, side hustle, or any other revenue producing activity you need to make sure you have the proper legal protections.

First, you should organize as a corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC.) Doing so provides you with a level of protection that will ensure your entire personal life isn’t wiped out if something goes wrong with your business. Most states provide for online filing of these organizations and many attorneys provide this service for a reasonable price (ahem…)

Once you have your business formed, you must make sure that you have properly drafted bylaws and a formal corporate book. EVEN IF YOU ARE THE ONLY EMPLOYEE, these are crucial for protection. If you get sued, the first thing your defense attorney will ask for is your corporate book.

Finally, make sure to talk with your accountant and insurance broker to ensure you are resourced, paying taxes, and insured.

Next week, we will discuss the importance of an employee handbook.

The Speakers Collaborative Is Recruiting Speakers

Do you want to be a public speaker but cannot find a way in? The Speaker’s Collaborative Course comprises six weekly interactive sessions that include in-person and online instruction, lasting about an hour each. At the end of the course, you will have everything you need to launch. Here’s a rundown of what you can expect:

Session 1: On the Main Stage -- We’ll meet on the main stage to get a feel for the space and the tools you’ll need to co-create a successful event for you, fellow speakers, and your audience. In addition, you’ll review participation requirements and expectations. Then, we will discuss aligning your style with your presentation. Finally, a professional photographer will also be on hand to capture your headshot for publication.

Session 2: Selecting Your Topic. You’ll learn how to choose an effective topic to help you achieve your goals through a formal presentation. We’ll also use a series of prompts to refine your topic.

Session 3: Public Speaking Modalities – A public speaking professional will join us to discuss the pros and cons of the primary types of public speaking modalities -- presentation, panel, keynote, virtual/digital, and in-person. There will also be a break-out session with fellow participants to brainstorm future possibilities of using what you’ve learned in multiple public speaking formats during this course.

Session 4: How to Launch Your Public Speaking Career – You’ll have the opportunity to talk to a booking agent to discuss how to take the next steps in launching your public speaking career using the Speaker’s Collaborative method and collateral.

Session 5: Main Stage Preparation – We’ll return to the presentation stage and prepare for the main event. You’ll practice, record, and receive feedback on your one-minute presentation; finalize the expected number of attendees you’ve recruited; and answer any last-minute questions.

Session 6: The Main Event on the main stage!

Session 7: Your Next Steps – We’ve done the work. So, now what? The first half of the session is a debrief of the event and session materials. In the second half we map out your future together.

It’s Summer - Plan Christmas now!

We are planners at the Hand household and we cannot believe it is now time to start planning the holidays. We are already thinking about the Halloween decorations and our holiday plans.

Everybody needs a break! If you would like some inspiration for fall and holiday travel, give me a buzz. In addition to being a darn good legal strategist, I love helping people plan their time away.