Blow Up the Box Chronicles

Love and Fear Cannot Co-Exist

Love and Fear Cannot Co-Exist

We fear failure. It is in our nature to avoid failure because our primal instincts tell us that failure leads to death. But few failures these days lead to death.

Couple this with the fact that most lawyers are lazy. We love to rely on the work of others instead of exploring new options ourselves. We hate when our clients take risk because we aren’t sure we can guarantee they won’t fail and lose everything.

When we put a lazy lawyer and the fear of failure into the same pot, you have the perfect recipe for mediocrity. But…

I still fear failure.

I still fear letting my clients down.

I love success better.

I love seeing my clients grow better than I fear letting them down.

Love and fear cannot co-exist. When I say co-exist, I mean they cannot co-exist on the same level. Fear will never go away, but if we put it in the correct order, it will go beneath love. I fear snakes because I know what they can do, but I love being outdoors more.

My clients want to do crazy daring things. I love that for them. I want that for them. Instead of lazy lawyering, my response is: “I love the future you will get from that more than I fear letting you down. Let me see what we can do.”

Are you afraid of something today? What can you do anyway that you love more?

Go deeper - if you need to make a move but are afraid, let’s talk.

You KNOW you need to take that next step to grow, but you are afraid of the unknowns, let’s talk.

You KNOW the unknowns but don’t want to lose everything, let’s talk!

Click here to schedule a conversation. Let’s find that thing you love more than fear.

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