Blow Up the Box Chronicles

The Power of a Name

The Power of a Name

It is the single most important word. It has the power to turn heads. It is a word that, when spoken, tells someone you care for them and respect them.

It is their name.

Behavioral science tells us that using someone’s name immediately disarms them, endears them to you, and is the fastest way to build trust. But many of us claim to be terrible at names.

The truth is none of us are terrible at names, we just haven’t been taught.

Unless you have read Robin Kimball Eisenbeis book A Gift for Life.
Or watched her on The Speakers Collaborative.

Here is how Robin tells us to remember names:

1. Repeat the name several times when you meet. Even ask for the spelling if it can be spelled multiple ways.

2. Follow F.O.R.M.
- Family - Is it a family name or something unique about the family.
- Occupation - what do they do?
- Recreation - what do. they like to do?
- Matters - what matters to them?

Recognizing the humanity of the person in front of you by giving the gift if saying their name is not just a business development hack, but a life hack.

My challenge for you this week is to learn names, especially people you see every day. Every one you meet, and attempt to meet 2 new people every day.

The Employee Handbook

How many of you have reviewed your employee handbook? Show of hands….anyone…?

Likely the answer is NO.

Either you don’t have one, have been on the job for some time now, are a solo/entrepreneur, or just don’t care.

But the truth is you need an employee handbook - even if you don’t have employees. One day, if you keep growing, you will hire someone, even an independent contractor. You need a handbook NOW so you are ready to roll.

And I am not talking about the legal zoom handbook, full of legalese that is written to take every single state and every single issue into account. I am talking about a custom handbook that addresses YOUR business.

And here is the secret: the employee handbook isn’t there for the employees. It is there to protect you!

The handbook is the starting point for my clients, part of the plan we put in place to crisis proof their business and put their growth on the fast track.

No person who is enthusiastic about his work has anything to fear from life.

Samuel Goldwyn