Blow Up The Box Chronicles

Are you Risk Avoidant?

There are two types of people. Those who are risk averse, and those who are risk avoidant.

The risk averse person doesn’t run from risk, but rather considers it in their calculations, deciding if what they want is worth the risk. A risk averse lawyer (that is me) then works with them to mitigate the risk (and any subsequent damage if things don’t pan out.)

Those who are in growth mode and those who crave to not stagnate live with risk aversion, and become comfortable with a certain level of risk.

Things get dangerous when we become risk avoidant. Risk avoidance is the practice of avoiding all risks regardless of their likelihood.

By avoiding all risk, growth does not happen. Stagnation becomes normal.

We were designed for growth. We were created with a framework to consider the costs, but we were not created to live in a spirit of fear.

To sum up this, the shortest of my newsletters yet, be risk averse. Do not be risk avoidant. It won’t end well.

Join us at IAAPA

We have four more guest passes to the IAAPA expo next month. If you want to join us, shoot me a message.

The Denver Speakers Collaborative is a Go!

The next production of The Speakers Collaborative will be in Denver, Colorado at The Oriental Theater. Classes start on January 9, and will meet weekly. The main event will be February 13.

If you, or someone you know, has wanted to be a public speaker, elected official, or simply wants the material that comes with being one of our featured speakers, visit our website for more information.