Blow Up the Box Chronicles

Thank a Veteran

We live in interesting times. As a collective, it feels as if we are holding our breath, waiting for the next shoe to drop. Will we be at war? Which octogenarian will be President? Can Taylor Swift keep this pace up for another year?

Certainly there have been generations before us who also lived through the tumult of being flawed beings on a big planet full of flawed beings. But those generations did not have the blessing and curse of access to global information as it unfolds.

Which makes veterans day even more special. Those who signed up and fought to defend our freedom did so marching into the unknown, and those that sign up today do so with greater awareness that they face an enemy who wants to execute us on camera.

Veterans day is unique. It is the one day that we pause to honor those still among us. Those who came home alive. Bruised, battered, plagued with Post Traumatic Stress, but alive. On Memorial Day we honor those who didn’t get to come home alive, but today we get to thank those who did.

Take a moment today to thank the veterans you know, and let’s do better as a country of honoring them.