Blow Up the Box Chronicles - The Speakers Collaborative

The One Where We Produce a Show

We interrup this absence of writing for this amazing announcement!

The Speakers Collaborative is May 21

We are meeting in Cary, NC on May 21 at 6:00 PM EST. The live recording will be at The Cary Arts Center.

Tickets available here.

What is The Speakers Collaborative

Public speaking is a chicken/egg conundrum. To land speaking gigs, you need content. To get content, you need gigs. We removed the problem by producing events around the country, building a stage for those who have that burning desire to tell their stories.

and in the process, we discovered that the community had just as much a desire to hear these stories as the speakers had to tell them. They are stories of hope, resilience, faith, love, and worth. Stories that our world is thirsty to hear.

On Tuesday, May 21, those stories will be told.

Livestream The Speakers Collaborative HERE.

(and while you are at it, subscribe to the channel)

Where next?

After taking the summer off, we will resume The Speakers Collaborative in August in Boston, Mass and in September in Frisco, TX. If you have that desire to be on stage and don’t know where to start, email info@thespeakerscollaborative. com NOW.